Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Christmas Story 10K - 2013

You'll shoot your eye out!  Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra, official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifles, Fuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddgggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeee!

Everyone loves A Christmas Story.

So when we found out that there's a run outside of Cleveland to support the A Christmas Story Museum we were definitely in.

However, our finances weren't.

Whoever said "running is cheap" hasn't booked hotels, registered for races, driven all over creation for races.  We were tapped out, fortunately for us they had a virtual run.

You sign up for it, they send you all your goodies, and you run it at home.

I signed up for the 10K.  Unfortunately, once it gets cold, if you remember, I don't run anymore.  So I was not near ready for this run.  So I knew to entice me to run, I wouldn't open my "goodie box" that came in the mail until after I had run.

I planned my route, and got out on yet another freezing cold Saturday and began to knock this thing out.

The wind was awful, it snowed part of the way, but I finished it.  AND I got to open my goodie box!

A super awesome T-shirt, complete with leg lamp down the arm, running bib, race certificate, awesome looking medal, and of course, a single packet of Ovaltine...a crummy commercial.

This run wasn't fun, I ran it alone, all alone not even strangers around, but I finished it.

And as we all know from Pinterest....I beat all the people on the couch.

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